Pooler Ballroom

Bringing Health, Wellness, and Ballroom Dancing Together

Let's Dance!

My name is Kimberly Capracotta and I would like to be your ballroom dance instructor!

I began my personal  dance journey quite by accident. I certainly wasn't looking for it! In 2008, a friend and I tried out a dance fitness class and it was literally life changing!

Since that day, I became addicted to the world of ballroom and fitness - I spent many hours studying, practicing, and improving my skills!

Ballroom dancing changed my life in many positive ways! It helped me to take control of my health, to deal with my anxiety and depression, and to meet so many great people!

Now, I want to help you on your journey into the world of dance!

Don't worry that it is "too late" - it is never too late! 

Lessons are tailored to your skill, ability and experience. No experience? NEVER a problem! We all are beginners at the start!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

I look forward to dancing with you!

Kimberly Capracotta
Pooler Ballroom, Owner
Bringing Health, Wellness, and Ballroom Dancing Together!
